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Are you searching for  a life filled with inner peace and purpose? Do you need guidance navigating life's storms? In this increasingly stressful and  busy life, there is an ocean of calm and wisdom waiting for you. "I AM" Calling is a lifeline of hope for the discouraged and a call to experience God.

The daily readings provide a word of encouragement and inspiration from the heart of God to yours. In these pages you will come to know God more wholly and abundantly,  develop your understanding of  God's desires and your life purpose. "I AM" Calling is a unique devotional book that beckons you to draw closer to God and know Him more intimately. These powerful words have the potential to transform  a discouraged or dreary heart into one of vibrancy. Come away for a few minutes a day and hear what God speaks to you!

God is calling you to a higher level of living in His presence.  "I AM" can fill you with everything you need.

Letters to God on a Prodigal Son
This is a poignant, true story of a parent's journey through the minefield of her adult child's addiction. It is the heartfelt cry of a mother who finds peace in the midst of her tsunami and discovers the secret of victorious prayer. It is a potent journal packed with prayers, practical advice and key spiritual insights. Letters to God will encourage and help those who are dealing with prodigals and troubled youth of all sorts.





When God Speaks: 40 Days and 40 Nights of His Promises


​Each day of When God Speaks is loaded with nuggets of wisdom that Anita Estes shares in her inspirational stories, prayers, application and evening meditation. As you reflect on these powerful verses you will be challenged and equipped to implement them into your daily life. God has given you everything you need for spiritual victory, but you must take the first step!



        Transformed: Inspiring

            Stories of Freedom

A transformed life is the greatest need of the world today. With all the brokenness and pain in people s lives, a transformed life provides hope and healing and the evidence that total change is possible. After three years of using drugs, my life was devastated. They had to give me shock treatment therapy and tie me in a strait jacket. Satan was not just a theoretical concept but had total control of my life. Demons not only controlled me, but they were using me to hurt other people. I was not only using but also selling marijuana, opium, hashish, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and pills of every kind. My life was totally self-centered.

The saddest thing about the drugs was that it was destroying every relationship in my life. I became cynical of my parents, my brother, my sister, my girlfriend, my teachers, and friends. I didn t trust anyone. It was at this time that I heard John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. That moment I put my trust in Jesus Christ and God to forgive me and to save me from all my sin. I began to read the Bible and saturate my thoughts with the Word of God. This was the key that began to transform my life. (Not available in print at this time.)

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