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Armed for Prayer: A Strategic Guide to Victory

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     Are you searching for the keys that unlock prayers that transform both individuals and nations? Do you want to know God personally and understand the authority He has given you through His promises? Or perhaps you’re a battle-weary prayer warrior seeking freedom, refreshing, and healing. Then “Armed for Prayer: A Strategic Guide to Victory” by Anita Estes is precisely what you need. This comprehensive manual will guide you into the realm of powerful prayer, offering encouragement and assurance that God hears and answers spiritual prayers. Designed for both individual and group study, each chapter addresses key topics, such as knowing God intimately, understanding your identity in Christ, and grasping foundational biblical truths along with the Bible's promises. Explore the depths of healing prayer, the impact of trauma, prophecy, demonic strongholds, deliverance, and the weapons of spiritual warfare, including the armor of God. Each chapter provides detailed insights into effective prayer, concluding with examples of powerful prayers. Drawing from years of experience in spiritual warfare, Anita Estes has crafted an essential guide for unlocking prayers that move mountains.


 Every American pastor needs to read this book! Every Christian needs to read this book! If Eric Metaxas’ Letter to the American Church gave them the Why, Anita Estes has delivered the How in God’s perfect timing. Knowing and praying the Word alone without knowing Jesus and who we are is like having our bright, shiny armor hanging in the closet. I believe Armed for Prayer is the field manual that will provide every Christian the ability, confidence, and courage to finally come off the sidelines and onto the battlefield, for just such a time as this!

Chip Murray, Co-Director Orange Strong, Chairman of the Orange County Constitutional Compliance Committee


Are you ready to strengthen your prayer muscles? Anita Estes challenges you to GET DRESSED and READY to live a life of prayer in every area of your life. This manual will get you started on a journey of infinite possibilities when you see your prayers answered by putting her principles into practice.

Rose Rizzi, author, psalmist, regional director Northeast Gateway to Freedom, Newburgh, NY

Anita Estes has done it again. She has written a book that will help train your hands and hearts for victory in life’s ongoing battles in spiritual warfare. God would not have given us weapons in the book of Ephesians if He didn’t think we were going to face spiritual battles. Just as the soldier needs to be trained to recognize the enemy, we, too, need to recognize the enemy’s tactics so that we are better prepared for battle.

Anita’s book, Armed For Prayer, prepares us to meet the daily battles that we face with practical strategies to pick up and wield our weapons of the Word with confidence and boldness, leading us to freedom, His peace and His victory. Knowing God and His Word will not only strengthen you, but it will also equip you with an arsenal of weapons to be used against the schemes of the enemy. The more you truly know God and study The Word, the less likely it will be that you will fall into the snares of the enemy.

Anita is a woman who not only knows the Word, but gives examples of how she gained victory by successfully applying the word of God. You will want to get a copy of her book, Armed For Prayer if you want to learn the practical strategies that lead her to victory in Him.

Jane Rosa, Teacher, Evangelist, Discipler, Next Steps Leader - Life Church


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